Wednesday 1 June 2016

Bad Spirits

I am not a good story teller and not so good in English. I hope everybody understands my story. My family rented a house for two years near our real house. My father didn't want to transfer there because its money to waste. We are 6 in the family and my mother has a friend who wants us to rent her newly bought house. Without knowing the story of that house we transferred there urgently.
I really don't know why our neighbors kept looking at us and seemed like they were hiding something from us. It had been a month. We have no new friends and they are our neighbors, until one time one of my friendly neighbor told us something about the house.
"Many people rented that house and no one can stay in it for a year, they only stay months."
I asked her why and she said that the real owner of the house was an old man who died in the room were my parents sleep. And my father's friend who rented that house before told him that his son also died there. I asked my father's friend if it is true, and he said yes.
Before we transferred in to that house, they helped to fix some part of the house and they saw foot prints of a boy. They wondered where it came from. No little child entered that place. Maybe he is the boy who died there, told the guy my brothers friend. One year passed so fast. We also experienced some scary things in that house. We experienced sounds every night coming from the comfort room but we just ignore it.
Also our maid told us her experiences every time she's alone in the house. Then one time at 3am I'm sleeping in my room, I dream a boy is at my feet, he's staring at me and I can't move my body! I really felt scared of that boy because he looked so scary. I can't recognize his face because its blank face. No nose, no eyes but I'm sure he is a boy, every night I experience that night mare that's why I slept in the room of my parents. Then I told my parents about my night mare and they were worried about me.
They also experienced some things inside the house but they just ignored it. I tell it to my friend. She also experienced one night she came to the house and want to visit me. She knocked and somebody answered. She thought that's me but that time the whole family was in the night swimming pool. One of my neighbors tells her. She run and cried to her mother because she was really scared. Finally we transfer to our real house and thank God he saved us from bad spirits.

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