Wednesday 1 June 2016

My Room

Finally, I'm back with my experiences to share. Been trying to submit almost like "forever". I believe I have the gift although not fully opened-my third eye, which is. This will be my 2nd story out of all my experiences that which I remember.
It was the year of 1997, the time when my country was still on power shortage. This experience happened not just once and not just on me, as well as with my cousin.
The first encounter, I was lying on my bed. Looking outside my window to the stars (oh yes, I'm a star-gazer, I suppose). My bed was situated just below my three big open windows. It was a cold night, as far as I remember.
My room was in pitch black, the air was cold and very comfortable.
While looking at the stars, suddenly, I felt this feeling of being paralyzed. I cannot move my body neither my arms nor fingers. Then, I felt some weight on my legs, like someone was sitting on me. Then high-pitch sound ringing in my ears.
I tried to pray and talk, on my mind, to ask this "thing" to go away.
It was like 2 or 3 minutes this episode lasted until I returned to my normal state-I can move again.
The second encounter, it was just after a few days during the first incident. My cousin came from the province, and yes, I am a city kid (If you could still remember my first story).
I requested him to stay with me on my room, he obliged.
It was around 11pm, still having electricity problem, me and my cousin were lying on my bed having a conversation... Until this "thing" visited again. This time, it's not just me who felt the weight but also my cousin. Both of us could not move for 2 minutes. The ringing occurred again until I heard my cousin cursed out loud-that's the time we could move, we got up and look at my bed.
I told him it wasn't the first time it happened and there are other incidents that happened on my room. He stayed with me for a week then he moved to his father's apartment up north (I'm from the south, just 20 minutes away from the international airport).
The last encounter was last December 19, 2008 at 9:23pm-still in my room.
I came back to my country, Philippines, for vacation after spending more than two years here in Dubai, where I'm currently working up to now. It's been a week prior of my arrival.
I slept early due to exhaustion from going to malls and shopping.
I'm a light sleeper, even the slightest movement or noise I easily awake.
I was lying on my side. Suddenly, I felt huge arms wrapping on my body, like a bear hug. I was paralyzed and cannot move.
I tried to scream... Shout... Call my mom... Yet no words come out of me. I felt a very big hand covered my mouth.
I was struggling... Fighting... Trying to move my fingers or my toes to break out unto this "thing".
"It" was heavy; I really felt "its weight on the other half of the bed. It was like I'm in a quicksand... Going to the center... The core... I was getting dragged by this huge "thing"!
In my mind, I keep on screaming, shouting and calling my mom...
"Mama...!" I shouted.
Finally I can move again, got up and turn on the lights of my room.
I could still see the bed regaining its form back to normal. I took off my shirt and saw marks of redness along my upper limbs due to the tighten of "its hug.
That's the last incident happened to me regarding about this "thing".

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