Wednesday 1 June 2016

Emily Haunted My Bedroom

In September of 2005 I was transferred for work to Riverton, Wyoming. I found a nice, little two bedroom apartment on the top floor of a small apartment complex. I got everything unpacked and set up just how I wanted it. I never felt quit comfortable in the apartment but I just figured it was because it was my first time being away from home and living by myself.
I had many strange things happen in the apartment, like the lights or TV being off when I knew I had turned them on, but I just ignored them. I continued to tell myself it was all in my head. I would pass the time by going to co-workers houses, or talking on the phone to my friends and family. Finally something happened.
One night in November 2005 caused me to no longer be able to ignore all the strange happenings in the apartment. I had my room set up with my bed under a window in the middle of the room, with my dresser on one side and my vanity on the other side. There was a ceiling fan above my bed that I always used the pull string to turn the lights on and off, so I did not have to walk across the room in the dark to get into bed.
I went to bed around ten o'clock that night. I fell asleep easily that night and did not wake up at all until 3:00 a.m. When I woke up to a girl sitting on the stand in front of my vanity. She was young, probably around 20, she had very long black hair and was wearing a long white nightgown. When I woke up, she turned around and said her name was Emily Bombarten, I am not sure of the spelling on the last name, but that is how it sounded, and this was her room. I freaked out and started to scream, jumped up on my bed and pulled the chain on the light, and then she was gone.
I saw Emily one more time about a month later. I had gotten two cats to help me not feel so alone and uncomfortable at home. I was woken up at 3:00 am by my cats freaking out. When I opened my eyes, I saw Emily hovering over top of me. I could not move or scream, I just stared at her, and after what seemed to be an hour, but I am sure was just a few seconds, she vanished.
After the second time I had a run in with Emily, I could no longer live in that apartment. I found a new place to live, and I moved out. I have not seen her since. I asked around to see if any one knew anything about my apartment, or that name. No one had any idea why these things had happened. I sometimes wonder about what caused Emily to become a ghost, and why she made herself known to me.

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