Saturday 25 June 2016

My Aunt And Uncle's House

Location:California United States
First off this will be my first time writing about an experience I had. Keep in mind this isn't a scary story but it makes me believe in the paranormal more and is very intriguing. This will be a short story since there aren't a lot of details so I hope you enjoy what I have to say.
This took place when I was about 13 or so (now I'm 30) and it was at my Aunt and Uncle's house in San Jose California.
Ever since I was little, my family always had Christmas there and even times just to visit. None of us had ever heard or known about the paranormal occurrences that have taken place there.
On many occasions I was there at the house by myself but there was one particular day when my mom and Aunt (my mom's oldest sister) left me there alone in the house just for a couple of hours while they had to do some errands.
My Uncle was at work too-this was in the middle of the day, so here I am at the house alone just minding my own business when I was walking down from the hallway.
I'll try to layout the hallway, the main hallway leads into the family room and ends at the bathroom and to the right leads to the next hallway down to my aunt and uncle's room-also there hallways that are very short in distance-not very long. Also the front door entrance goes directly to the main hallway and connects to the family room.
Anyways as I was walking down the hallway I noticed something at the corner of my eye. I sworn I saw someone very tall obviously it was a male figure just by his height quickly poking his head out around the corner so I kind of just shrugged it off but at that point I was getting a little freaked out.
Here I was alone and I didn't have the TV on. I was just minding my own business and it happened about two more times. As I walked near the hallway it always occurred at the corner of my eye. It was sudden and direct but when it happened I knew somehow someone was there, so I just froze and was puzzled and called out since at that point I thought it was my uncle.
BUT I knew no one was home but me. So when I called out his name, "Uncle Marty" Hello?" and there was no answer, I walked down the hall and walked around the corner and no one was there.
After that I somehow knew that someone poked their head out really quickly as if it was kind of watching me trying to get me off guard somehow. After that I though I was just imaging things and it was all in my head.
So later when my Aunt and mom came home I kind of told my aunt that for some odd reason, I could see someone poking their head quickly around the corner, but I knew I was alone.
She actually told me that she also has seen that too! She told me that that person is actually a ghost and she has seen a full apparition of the ghost. She described him as an older gentleman wearing glasses and having an old grey suit or dress cloths on when she saw him he just disappeared.
Also she said her grandson (my younger cousin) saw him too- he just froze in the hallway and told her he saw someone.
After she told me this I was kind of shocked and surprised to this event since I believed in spirits but never actually had an experience. Ever since then to this day, I'm kind of fascinated with the supernatural and I have been reading a lot of people's story's on this site.
Also just to let you guys know, the ghost of the old gentleman used to live there before my aunt and uncle moved in. He had died in one of the rooms there. And from my aunt's experience he isn't there to cause harm or anything of the sort. And they have lived in their home for about 20 years or so.
Well that's about that. I hope you enjoyed my first experience and if you have any questions leave a comment. I also have another experience. I'll write that one another time.

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