Saturday 25 June 2016

Ghosts Who Fight

Location:California United States
I was walking along the riverfront, just minding my own business. It was around 7 p.m. In the evening, and I was trying to unwind after a long work day. It was ink black dark already, and it was hard to make out the path.
The air was eerily still, and with each step, a feeling of dread kept pulling at me. I was becoming nervous, and my eyes strained to see what lay in the bushes. As a kid, do you remember the feeling that someone was about to jump out at you?. Well, this is kind of what it felt like only worse.
I picked up my step, and hustled as fast as I could. It made sense to me. I know what you are thinking. If someone was about to grab at me in the dark, it didn't matter if I was moving slowly- or as fast as a commuter train. Gulping in deep breaths, my heart felt like it was sitting up in my throat.
I could hear a disturbance behind me, and I stopped to turn, and listen. The ruckus grew louder and louder, and then a voice rang out...
"Lady, Get outta the way! "... I heard.
So I moved off the path. I was thinking it was someone speeding along on a bike. I didn't want to get hit in the dark, so I stood there-waiting, close to the waters edge. Instead of a bike flying by, what happened next took me by complete surprise.
Two men were fighting with each other! They weren't solid, but ethereal GHOSTLY men!. They rolled around on the ground a few feet away, and I tried to find a way around the fiasco. There really wasn't any, so I moved even closer to the waters edge.
I could hear every blow, every curse, and see it as clearly as if they were living beings. It was terrible to watch. They were pounding away on each other, and all I could do was stand there, and wait for it to be over.
There seemed to be an ethereal glow following them where they fought and a white mist surrounded their every movement. It had to have been the strangest thing I had ever witnessed.
This went on for around five minutes, and one of the Ghost men rolled into the river. I think he was punched and fell backward. I was up against a shrub by this point, and I didn't want to slip into the river with them. The second Ghost followed the first, leaping into the water with an angry splash. They continued to fight and push and shove each other under the black water.
I moved back up to the path by this point, and turned to look at the action in the water. They were gone! I didn't wait another moment. I got out of there as fast as I could.
Yes, if you are wondering. Stuff like this happens to me quite often. I don't try to make sense out of a lot of it, but this was one crazy experience. I had never been pulled into a Ghostly Brawl before, but I was certain- it wouldn't be the last...

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