Saturday 25 June 2016

Our Maid And The Shadow

This is a story about our maid and the weird black "thing" or whatever it was as her companion.
Just last summer (around May) we had a new maid. She was around 45 years of age.
There were a lot of weird and creepy things that happened in our house in her one-month-long stay with us.
She arrived on the first week of the month. After two weeks she kept telling us that there are nights when she could not have a good sleep because she felt someone is always looking at her from the foot of her bed. (She slept in the living room.) She also told us one day that she thought she would die in her sleep.
She was sleeping one night and suddenly woke up not able to breathe and thought she saw a black figure strangling her or suffocating her, but for some reason she was able to say a prayer and was able to move and suddenly the black figure was gone.
I was working the night shift during her stay with us so I'd sleep until about 7pm. One night, still lazy to go to work, I was sitting on the fifth step of the stairs watching the news on TV, my sister, sister in law, and this maid were also watching the news.
During the break I felt as if someone was on top of the stairs, and then suddenly to my surprise I felt as if someone went down the stairs and the sound went THUMP THUMP THUMP;the sound of the footsteps were so loud as if a very heavy man was descending.
Then I felt my shoulder go cold with goose bumps when the footsteps went past me. I thought I was just imagining things, but my sister-in-law said that those footsteps may have come from the neighbor - apparently they all heard it as well- and they were all looking at the stairs wondering also what it was.
These footsteps coming down the stairs happened thrice- the sound of the footsteps were so loud and it felt like a big, heavy man was descending, and always there was nobody there. And always when these happen we pass it off that it may have come from the neighbor.
(Just recently I've investigated this and I've found out that the staircase of our neighbor (our neighbor to the left) is not adjacent to the wall where our staircase is. And our neighbor (right) did not have their staircase on the wall where our staircase is located either. This may sound confusing-we live in a "townhouse" style house- it's like a long building where it's divided into house units so your wall is also the wall of your neighbor.)
My sister also told me that one day she saw a black shadow climb the stairs, she was so scared but she went to investigate after a few minutes to see if there was anybody upstairs but she found no one.
At that time, there were only the maid, and my two sisters who were in the house and they were all downstairs - the maid (said she did not go upstairs) was doing the laundry, and my sisters were on the couch.
There were times when I was sleeping and felt that something was on top of me and I could not move. Now this is not something new to me because I have experienced this a lot of times already, often if the place has something weird going on like entities or whatever they are called. I must mention that during our one year stay in the house before the maid arrived I have never had this occurrence.
Weird was during her stay I felt like the house is full of dark shadows especially the living room (where she sleeps) and I felt as if the air was so thick, I'm not an expert on this but on retrospect I think the house has a black or dark aura in it and especially the living room.
One night my sister in law and this maid had a really bad fight. I can clearly remember the following day because that was the day she left. The moment she was gone I felt really-really light. I felt like the house had become more spacious, like suddenly the black shadow I always seemed to see in the lining room is gone and the house is suddenly filled with morning light.
Those weird things did not happen again to this date.
It may also be worth mentioning that she was two months pregnant when she was with us. And that her first husband died ten years ago.
Could it be possible that that black entity was with her all the time? That it followed her from the province (where she came from) to our house to wherever she is now? Is it possible that that entity was guarding her baby in her womb? What could the entity be? Could it be her dead first husband?

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