Wednesday 1 June 2016

My Neighbor's Haunted House

Im going to start out by saying that I live in a small town in Northwestern Ontario. This story actually began about 6 years ago when I was about 9 years old. There was an abandoned 3 floor apartment building next to my house. Over the course of my childhood my friends and I would tell stories about spirits and spooky stuff happening in the building. I, of course, wasn't going to let on to my friends that I was a little frightened by their stories and stayed away from the building. But one summer day I got a little curious when I saw a shadow move past a window on the third floor.
Before I go any further I'm going to tell you the layout of the building from what I can remember. On the first floor there was a reception area, a bedroom, and some stairs that led to the second floor and to the basement. On the second floor there was, I think, three or four bedroom and another set of stairs that led to the top floor. On the top floor there were two bedrooms. There was also an enclosed staircase on the outside of the building which led to the second floor.
Back to the story, I was very curious about what might have made that shadow, so I decided to go inside. I went through the staircase that was on the outside of the building which led to the second floor.
It was fairly cold inside, considering it was summer. I looked down the hallway and saw the closed bedroom doors and the stairs that led to the top floor. I decided to look around the place on the bottom floor first, because I was a curious boy and never been in there before. I saw the basic reception area, a front desk and a waiting area. I looked behind the desk and felt a little colder and a little scared.
When I was about to go back up the stairs I noticed a shadow behind the stairs. I peered behind and saw some stairs that went into the basement and the shadow was gone. I went to the top of the basement stairs, but I didn't go down them. I began to feel like I was being watched and I just wanted to do what I came to do, so I went back up the stairs.
I went down the hall toward the stairs that went to the top floor and I heard some giggling coming from one of the rooms. I opened all of the rooms but there was nothing in them. No furniture and no one that could have giggled. It was then that I became extremely scared and just wanted to get out of there.
When I came in, I left the door that led to the outside open, so when I started to head toward the door it slammed shut. I ran to the door and the bedroom doors began opening and closing fairly quickly, so I did what any young kid would do. I cried and screamed because I just wanted to get out of there. I tried the door, but it wouldn't open. I curled up into the corner and just cried.
Then all the doors just stayed shut. I looked around and heard more giggling. I got up and tried the door again. It opened and I got the heck out of there.
I never told anyone about this until now, and even while I'm writing this I'm getting shivers because I'm looking right at the building.
Now you'd think this was the end but a few years later a family moved in. They have four kids, one 7 year old, one 5 year old, one 2 year old, and a newborn (that is their ages at this time).
I was invited for the 5 year old's 4th birthday. When I was invited I hesitated at first but reluctantly said I'd be there. When the party day arrived, I went over and got a good welcome. I went and sat down on the couch and started to get bad memories.
Now the house looks like this. The reception area is now the kitchen, the waiting area is the living room, each of the kids has their own room upstairs and the parents' room I believe is on the top floor.
When I looked around I remembered all the scary stuff that happened the few years ago. About 30mins past and I wandered upstairs. I looked down the hall, and noticed a door swing open and I heard a faint giggle coming from the room. I ran downstairs and just mingled with the rest of the guests.
Nowadays, they haven't been around the house because the father had a job someplace else, but they still own the house. Every now and again when I pass by the house going to school, I sometimes see a shadow pass by the window.
Well that is my scariest thing that happened to me. I still haven't told anyone about it and I don't think the neighbors noticed anything while they were there, but I'm never going to forget that.

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