Thursday 23 June 2016

My Neighbours Haunted House

Location: Canada
To start off I'd like to thank everyone who has been responding to my experiences! I really appreciate it. Lately not too too much has happened in this house of mine, I've been hearing a women speaking, and also her speaking with another presence (I don't know if its a man or women but I know she is talking with someone). Who she is, I have no clue. But I've heard her.
Also, 2 days ago, I was putting my shoes on getting ready to go out, I looked down to the kitchen and saw this yellow looking light (the size of a head) just flow threw my kitchen area. It looked a bit blurry or foggy but it didn't scare me, I didn't get any bad vibe off it... But other than that, no major update that I can recall.
I have received questions about my neighbour-hood and if there was any hauntings that occurred here, and there has actually been a severe one next door.
I live in Montreal, Quebec. In the West island. In 2000, I had once again a new neighbour (it was the like 6th person who has lived there since I have been living next-door, which is odd). So the neighbours had a girl named Camille, and her and I were the same age and became best friends. We were always together and still are. She had started to tell me that she was very scared to be home alone (she lived with her single mother which was very irresponsible and neglected her, she often left her home alone). Therefore I would always go to her place and stay with her, we would hear cupboards slamming and opening, the dogs barking hysterically, footsteps, voices... I then knew she wasn't crazy, and over the years I kept on hearing stories from her about that.
But one day it got serious...
Camille and I were young at the time, late teenagers, and we one day decided to skip school and hangout at her place all day, although my mom had decided to stay home from work that exact day so I went to school, Camille stayed home alone all day. She fell asleep at around 11am on her couch watching TV, she lived in a fairly big house and was alone.
Camille got woken up by a phone call, she then answered the phone and it was the police. The cop or operator on the phone said that someone had called them from inside the house asking for help and that someone was here. Camille hung up the phone, started crying, and ran to my house which was right next door. My mom opened the door and saw her crying her eyes out, terrified.
The cops showed up to check the house, they had to come because they had received a phone call. Camille doesn't understand how that happened and still to this very day has no idea. My mom still remembers how much she was freaking out, I found out when I got back to school because she was at my house and didn't want to go back home until her mom was there.
Camille moved away a year later, we still talk all the time but she now lives 1-2 hours away... Since she left we have had another 3 people moving from that house.

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