Thursday 23 June 2016

My Dad Appeared to my Friends

Location: South Africa
My dad passed away in 1993 in a helicopter accident in Malelane, South Africa. We were very close and I still miss him dearly. In the year 2000, me and a few friends went away for a week to a secluded place on a game farm.
It was raining outside on the 3rd evening, so we all decided to stay indoors and do the marshmallow thing over a candle light. We made jokes and shared stories about our lives. I was sitting with my back to the corner, with my friends sitting around me in a circle. Later on I got tired and lied down on my friends lap.
It was getting late so I started falling asleep. The next moment it went all quiet and I opened my eyes. I looked straight into my friends eyes, but she was looking at something else behind me and the friend whose lap I was lying on. The look on her face gave me such a fright that I didn't want to turn around. I remember praying that it wasn't people breaking in and wanting to hurt us.
Eventually, after what felt like hours, I looked up and saw that it was all misty behind us, and then it was normal again.
The 2 friends that saw what was behind us, didn't want to speak about it and we left it. It bothered me the whole time and I kept on nagging them to tell me.
Eventually they told me that they saw a man behind us. Just sitting there and smiling. When I got up, he disappeared.
These 2 friends of mine are very trustworthy and I would never think that they would lie to me. This whole thing puzzled me because nothing like this has ever happened.
A few weeks passed when the 2 friends came to visit me at my mom's house, we walked passed some old photo's of my dad and that's when the girls freaked out. Apparently my dad is the man they saw sitting behind me... Smiling!
To this day I still can't figure out why my dad would appear to my friends and not to me. Why he was smiling and why he disappeared. when I got up. They say he looked content and happy.
Why not appear to me if I'm the one that was missing him so much ? I just think it's so unfair...
Source: yourghoststories

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