Thursday 23 June 2016

Presence in our Apartment

Location: California United States
I have always loved anything that involves the paranormal. I always thought it was cool to have a haunted house, until now that I actually live in one. I moved to Redlands, CA to be closer to work. Many people know that the city itself is very old and spooky. Lots of ghost activity and many cults.
My fiance and I moved to an apartment thinking nothing of the paranormal. Never really thought about apartments being haunted, until things started happening. Lights would turn on and off, soap being thrown at my fiances back, door knobs turning back and forth. One night a candle was actually lit by someone or something. It was even a Jesus candle. Water focets would turn on, a lot of little things that we just blew off as nothing.
But as time passed, we could feel a presence in our master bedroom, I get a heavy male presence, and it really scares me. When we are laying in bed, I feel like something is hovering over us, not wanting us to sleep. My fiance Ralph always feels like someone's face is right next to his.
Ralph also told me he felt like something was hoping on our bed as he was laying in bed. What really confirmed things was when my 3 year old step daughter said "Look,they are dancing in my room!" When I looked in her room, it was empty. I looked at Ralph and decided to ask Lauren some questions. I asked if it was a boy or girl, she said it was a girl with "vicki's hair" (MY NAME) I'm guessing she had black hair. I also asked if she is good or bad, Lauren said "oh she's really nice". I am beginning to think that there is more than one ghost. Lauren seems to think this one is really nice, when me and Ralph feel the male in our room is not.
If someone can please help me out, Its just beginning to get really stressful. Its a bit embarrassing being a 23 year old woman still sleeping with the light on. What can we do to get rid of all the ghosts in our home? I've tried telling them to go to the light but that doesn't seem to work.
Also one night me and Ralph were just laying in bed talking about pretty much everything when the subject of the devil came up. He told me he once read on the internet that there was a web site of demon names... He said he logged off because he got scared. During our conversation he had mentioned a few of the demon names, could that have brought other "things" in to our home just because he said their names? It scares me to think about it.
I'm a person with very big faith so I try and pray a lot in our home but nothing seems to stop. If anyone could spit some advice to me, it would be very much appreciated.
Source: Yourghoststories

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