Thursday 2 June 2016

Spirit Attack

I'm 17 years old and a special kind of ghost hunter. This story took place in 2001; I was about 7 years old. I had just watched the movie "The 6th Sense" with my 6 year old brother and my mother. I had asked my mom if I can sleep down here in the living room, because the house was cold and we had a fire going on at the time to make things warm. My mother told me I could sleep down stairs and my brother asked me if I could get his things to so he can sleep down there to. I was being mean to him and told him "No you can get it yourself..." My mother then told me to get his things, not able to say no to her I headed up stairs (we had a two story house) to get our things.
Once I made it to the top of stairs, my body felt heavy and I was unable to move any part of my body. Since I had already turned to look in to the room (the door was open at the time) and my right arm was very close to the switch that turns on the light in mine and my brothers room, I saw a figure come from my side of the room. It looked like it was an old lady carrying a hunter's knife. The old woman looked like she was wearing a veil and a white dress; it may have been a mourning dress (the dress women wear to a funeral). The woman slowly made her way to me.
Paranoid as I was I had never been attacked by a ghost and did not understand why I could not speak or move any parts of my body. During the time I was missing my brother wondered where I was, he came up the stairs and started talking to me, once he saw the woman he froze too. About 5 minutes later I moved my hand and turned on the bedroom light, the woman then disappeared. Freaked out as I was I ran down the stairs with my brother following right behind me and we told our mother what we saw.
She went up and investigated and found nothing. Once we got our things we went back down stairs they acted as if nothing happened, I thought I heard some one quietly laugh as they walked away. The next morning I found a scar on my left arm near the elbow, it looks like a hunter knife cut it. To this day I don't know what it was that attacked me.

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