Thursday 2 June 2016

Dreams:She wanted me to to come to Her

This is a dream that I had a long time ago when I was around 9 or 10 years old. I am 26 years old now. However the dream starts like this: I was in the living room with my family on a saturday night. I was so happy and since I was the baby of the family, I was standing in front of the couch trying to get all the attention while my family were all sitting down in the couch. The way my Mom's house is designed makes it easy to see all the way into the bedroom if your standing in the living room. I was chatting away and all the lights were on, except for the one in the bedroom. I was looking in the bedroom and I saw a girl. In the dream I wasn't scared nor did I pay much attention to the girl. She was pacing in circles slowly and was motioning for me to come to her. I would look and then turn around and continue chatting with my family ignoring her. She would sigh and look down in disappointment and continue on pacing slowly. She would stop and look at me again and motion for me to come to her. I remember seeing the desperation in her eyes and her pain when I would just turn away from her and ignore her. She was young and she looked like a teenager from the 80's, and what makes it weird is that I did have this dream in the 80's. The girl was blonde and curvy. In the dream I was so happy and this girl was trying really hard for me to go to her.
The next day I mentioned my dream to my Mom. My sister overheard me and it turned out that she had the same exact dream and at the same night. I was amazed.
I was not so supervised though to have had that dream back then, there was always paranormal activity going on in my house around that time. I would hear footsteps and feel scared being in the bedroom. However I do remember that the noises would always occur around 4:30-5:00 am every day. I would be prepared with the lights on and the Television on. My Mom would leave to work at 4:00 in the morning and leave me with my older sister. It was impossible to get good sleep back then.
If anyone can tell me what they think the dream meant related to what was happening at my house back then; I would love to hear feedback.

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