Wednesday 1 June 2016


My name is Saddie and I'm 17 years old. My family has moved around a lot but wherever we move it seems as if there is always some sort of presence that moves with us. It never has felt like an intimidating or aggressive presence, though.
We have most currently moved to Ohio and the house we currently live in is only about 20-something years old. The first night I slept in my new room I didn't have a fan or anything on to make any noise during the night (which bothers me because I hate trying to sleep in complete's just too eerie) and I could hear this deep breathing noise like a man so I turned on my TV to tune it out.
The next morning I woke up because I heard whispering near my door. My bed is about 10 or so feet from my door but I was pretty much terrified, like I was literally frozen in fear listening to this voice that seemed like it was chanting something. It just kept saying the same thing over and over again.
I finally worked up the courage to move my hand from under my covers to my radio and it blocked out the noise. So I started feeling tired again and I shut off my radio to go back to sleep... But as soon as I shut my eyes, I felt like somebody had put their mouth up to my ear and whispered my name which completely freaked me out and I walked as quickly as I could out of my room and I felt like something was watching me the entire time.
The next few nights I could still hear the masculine breathing (it's not like it was up close or anything, but it's as if it was on the other side of my bed (and I have a king sized bed if that gives you an idea...) but I would just tune it out with my radio or my television and it would be gone away.
It's been about 5 years since that happened but something really strange happened to me a few months back
I got home from school exhausted, so I went to take a nap on a couch in the living room. My mom was in the next room over so I wasn't alone or anything in the house. Anyway, I opened my eyes and I could NOT move at all. I tried moving my foot but I couldn't even do that for some reason and it was as if something had tapped into my mind and started overloading it with a bunch of information.
It sounds really weird, I know, but that's just how it felt and there's no other way to describe it. There was a name I picked up and it was "Robert" or I felt like another name, for whomever or whatever it was, "Bobby".
I don't know any "Robert" and after I got that information, it felt as if I had been released from my temporary paralysis. I don't know what that means or why that happened... I know I wasn't dreaming because I walked out the room and went to talk to my mom (I didn't tell her about it because I didn't want her to freak out or).
There are two bedrooms upstairs and my sister lives across the hall from me. One night it was really late when she got home from work. She was talking to my mother downstairs while I was still asleep upstairs. In the middle of the conversation, she saw my door open wide into my room. I always sleep with it shut... And there wasn't a draft to open it or anything.
For the past few nights, I have been sleeping with it open... And two nights ago I heard it shut quietly when I was the only person home... As if somebody had held onto my door handle and tried to quietly shut it. I've heard my door handle jiggle some nights when I'm watching TV or I'm talking on the phone.
In this house I've heard whistling, I've heard my name being whispered, I've seen doors close, I've felt like something is inches from my face just staring at me, and I don't know what to make of it. I've heard different voices ranging from a woman to a deep-voiced masculine man. Like I said, it's never felt like it means to harm me... But it wants my attention and at the same time it's terrifying to hear what you can't see and knowing "it" can see you and "it" knows you can't see them.
I've always had something making itself known to me but recently it's gotten worse and worse. Even as I write this I feel like there's something watching every move I make.
Has anyone else had this sort of thing happen to them at all? I'm really confused about what's going on and what to think about it. Any feedback would be very helpful and I'd deeply appreciate it!


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