Thursday 23 June 2016

The Haunted Dorm

Location:Michigan United States
I have an hour gap between my two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and usually I go back to my dorm during that hour and take a nap, since I rarely get to bed at a decent hour. I could use the whole 'college kid, gotta study into the wee hours of the morning' excuse, but usually I'm just farting around the internet, losing track of the time. In any case, I nap.
One morning, however, when my alarm went off to alert me to the fact that it was time to get up and head out to my second class, I decided that it wouldn't hurt me to miss just one day, especially since I was so tired that the very thought of getting up was making my head hurt. Subsequently, I turned off the alarm and fell back into bed.
I woke up again around noon, just as that second class would have been ending, because my roommate had gotten up and was moving around the room to get ready for her own class--the lucky wench managed to get classes that were later in the day. As I was laying there, thinking about who I should email to get the day's notes (I'm not completely irresponsible... Just mostly so), I heard a loud, angry male's voice say, rather quickly, "Get up and make the bed," or perhaps just "Make the bed..."
This was pretty disconcerting, as, the last time that I'd checked, my roommate was female and had a voice that was hard to mistake for anything remotely masculine. So I sat up and looked out at her, but she didn't even seem to notice that I was awake or the voice itself: she gathered her books and left the room, leaving me to lay back in bed and wonder what the hell I'd just heard.

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