Thursday 23 June 2016

Out of Body Experience

Location: California United States
I was 16 years old when I experienced what I think was an out of body experience. I was sleeping on the floor of my bedroom and all of a sudden I felt like I needed to wake up. The thing was, I was already "awake" but I was watching myself from above my body. I don't know how to put what it was like into words other than to say physically I was lying down, unable to move. Mentally, I was scared and wanted to cry and yell for my mom, but I couldn't. I couldn't even open my eyes.
I have read stories on here about sleep paralysis, but I don't think I have read one where the person is also looking down at themselves from somewhere above. I know it wasn't a dream because while looking down at myself I was wearing the same pajamas and I was sleeping in the same position I was when I went to bed. The reason why this tells me I wasn't dreaming is because I have back problems and sometimes have to sleep in any position that is comfortable when my back is hurting. Sometimes it takes me being a human pretzel to be comfortable.
While this was happening I felt as if someone were there, watching me from the doorway, which was to the right of me. Also, when I woke up, it was as if I had done it on my own. It wasn't a rude awakening, if you will.
The next day I told my mom about it, I was expecting her to tell me I was weird, instead she told me that it had happened to her too.
A few years prior to my experience, my mom was in a very bad car accident. While in surgery, she said she woke up and was watching herself being worked on from up above. She never told me about it because she didn't want to scare me, but she did tell her friend. Her friend told her it was an out of body experience.

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