Wednesday 1 June 2016

The New Apartment

It happened 4 years ago. My daughter just turned 2. We moved into an apartment. As soon we moved in my daughter just refused to even play in her room. The only time she would even go in there is if I went with her. So she had to stay in my room.
We were the only 2 that lived there. I would leave the bathroom door open when I showered to hear her. The hall ran from the kitchen to the bathroom. When I showered I could see a shadow of a person in the hall. I would go check the kitchen and living room. As you guessed nothing there. My daughter would be sound asleep.
The TV turned itself off and on. No one would even be home.
My now boyfriend moved in with me. He woke me one night. Scared out of his mind. He says that he woke up to SOMETHING holding him down. No matter how hard he fought he couldn't move. (He is a strong guy) The 2 bedrooms faced each other with another hall in between. One night, both rooms' doors were open. I was sound asleep. I woke up and sit straight up. I was scared, but didn't know why. I turn look out the window. I turned to the door and a black figure came out of the other bedroom and into the living room. It just looked like a shadow with a black with hood on it. I had such a fear and like evil feeling.
We moved out as soon as we got our things together.

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