Wednesday 1 June 2016

Knocking On Door And Wall

My mom and I moved into this new house July 9, 2008. My mom told me about 2 weeks ago she heard 2 distinctive knocks on our front door about 6AM. She thought it was me but then realized I was in bed. She listened but heard nothing more.
The odd thing is our screen door is very loud and can be heard all through the house. She said the screen door never made a sound, but the knocking clearly came from the door.
Last night, I was up very late on the computer well after midnight. I finally got undressed, climbed into bed, put my head on the pillow and no more than 10 seconds later, heard two loud knocks on the wall above my head. I listened but heard nothing more. It was very creepy but I ignored it.
Then this morning, I was in bed and my cell phone alarm clock went off at 7AM. I turn the snooze button on over and over until 7:30 to help wake me up. At about 7:15, I was wide awake just lying comfortably in bed relaxing and I heard 2 loud knocks on my bedroom door! I yelled "What?" because I thought it was my mom making sure I was getting up.
Silence. Then I remembered my mom leaves for work well before 7AM! Nobody was in the house but me. I heard nothing again but the knocks were very real. They weren't scary or creepy sounding at all, that's the thing. They sounded exactly like what knocking on a door sounds like. I told my mom this and she said she heard the 2 knocks last night on the wall but thought it was me.
The knocks are very clear and quick. After telling my mom this, entire she said that the knocks she heard 2 weeks ago possibly could have been coming from my bedroom door, not the front door but she's not sure.
My mom suggested maybe it's a friendly spirit saying good-night and telling me to get up for school because of the odd times they've occurred.
I'm somewhat frightened and just want to know what people think. Any advice I would appreciate. Our house is new and makes very little noise; we know it's not the air conditioner or water heater. Our old house we lived in for 7 years made noises now and then but nothing ever like this. This is not normal house sounds.
If anyone knows what's going on, please leave a comment. Three different times now my mom and/or I have heard 2 clear knocks on the front door, my wall, and my bedroom door.

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