Wednesday 1 June 2016

The Opening Door

My family and I have recently moved to North Carolina. It is only my mother, her fiance, my brother, and me in the house. We moved to a fairly new house that recently has had new landscaping and construction done.
I have noticed that every night around 12 to 2 a.m. The door in our kitchen swings open. This happens whenever everyone else in the house is asleep or in the back part of the house.
We have no pets and there are no loose animals in the neighborhood. There is no plausible reason for the door to open and no other door in the house has done this. There have also been no deaths reported to happen in or around my home. Plus all construction to the house has been well done and the door doesn't open at any other time during the day unless someone opens it.
My mother has yet to believe my claim of this happening because the same door is always closed by the time we wake up. Also there is no evidence of it being open unless you are near the kitchen when it does or hear the door creak open at night.
We have lived here for almost a year now and the door opening started about after a month we moved in. I don't believe there's anything threatening in the house but I do wish to know what might be opening the door. I will read all suggestions of what this might be.

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