Thursday 23 June 2016

The Young Girl Who Appears When I Bathe my Son

Location: United Kingdom
I myself do not believe in ghosts, I don't know why, I just think some things aren't possible. To my surprise one day, my Mum asked me if I would like her to take my daughter away on holiday with her for a week. I asked my husband and we decided yes, as we wouldn't be able to afford a holiday, I had just had another baby so we would have to wait.
So in August 2007 my 5 year old daughter, with her long blonde hair, left our house in Northfield, Birmingham UK to go away to the Lake District with my Mum, my Step dad and my younger sister.
Nothing in particular struck me at first, my husband went to work as usual, leaving me with my baby. About the third day into my daughters absence I noticed a little girl in my house. I was bathing my baby, roughly 5pm, and it was only us two in the house along with my 2 cats. I have a black cat and a grey and white one. Behind me as I'm bending over the bath is my bedroom and the baby's bedroom.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure come from the stairs (as if they had just climbed them) and walked straight across behind me towards either my bedroom or the baby's, I can't be sure which room she went in as when I turned around she wasn't there, so I assumed that it was my black cat infused with my imagination (this is what I told myself). This little girl was about 7 years old, long dark hair, and wearing what I can only describe as a dark old fashioned dress. Not black, but a green or navy dress. Almost Victorian. When going downstairs I see my black cat fast asleep under a tree in the garden, my other cat sleeping on the sofa. I thought nothing more of it and went about my usual routine.
The next evening I bathed the baby again, as he had just started feeding himself so it was very messy. Just us two in the house again, but it was earlier, about 4pm. The exact same thing happened, I bent over the bath and this little girl walked from the staircase, behind me, and disappeared into one of 2 bedrooms. By this point I was thinking that it was just me being silly and missing my daughter. I had heard from her everyday so I knew she was ok.
I told my husband about what I thought I had seen and he got a little spooked, he believes more than I do, and things like that give him goose bumps. I told him not to be so silly and over react.
I didn't bath my son the next day, and I never saw her, not once.
The day my daughter was due home I got my son bathed and dressed, This time it was morning, he had his breakfast so it was about an 11am bath. Sure enough as I bent over the bath I saw her again! Doing the exact same thing, walking the exact same way, wearing the exact same thing. I got my son out of the bath and went downstairs. I heard creaking on my landing and assumed (again) it was my black cat, as he is rather large and heavy. He was in the garden playing with my other cat.
She only appeared when I was upstairs with my baby, she never came downstairs, I never saw her downstairs, not once. When my daughter got home I forgot about it, I tried to push it out of mind. Although I still hear the creaking, I haven't seen her since.
She is the opposite in colouring to my daughter, she has long dark hair, and is extremely pale. My daughter is pale but not dark haired. I couldn't see her eyes. Or any of her facial features, but her cheek showed she was caucasian. Her dress showed she's Victorian (maybe) I am very confused about it, and I don't want to disrespect her, should she be real. She hasn't done any harm, or made too much noise.
I would just love to know who she is and what she wants.

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