Wednesday 1 June 2016

Who Came Home With You?

I have several stories to share and I will start with the first I remember being told about. This took place when I was about five years old. I'm not sure if it would be considered supernatural or not.
My mother had gone to our neighbor's house,who lived about one hundred yards up the lane from our house, for some chit-chat. It was dark when she decided to come back home. She said while she was walking, she felt like someone was following her, but when she would turn around the only thing behind her were two light reflections that seemed to be ten feet behind her.

She told herself that it had to be the reflection from the neighbor's house and described them as bouncing balls of light. When she made it half way to the house she turned around and they were still there and still ten feet behind her. She started walking a little faster.

When she made it to the top of our yard, she thought to herself "when I turn into the yard the light won't be able to turn". She turned into the yard and was feeling silly for thinking she was being followed by balls of light. It was about fifty feet from the top of the yard to the house. When she got about half way she turned around and there were the lights so she ran the rest of the way and locked the door behind her.

This is where I come in. My mother told me that about five minutes after coming home, I come out of my room crying asking who the two people were that came home with her because they were on the porch waiving at me and they had really scary faces.

I don't remember this happening but I also don't know why my mother would tell me a story like that. She has since passed away so I hope I remember everything the way she told me. Just so everyone knows I wasn't told this story until I was eight or nine when I started having other things happen to me.

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