Friday 24 June 2016

21st Birthday Activity

Location: Australia
On the first of November we had a 21st birthday party for my sister. I had my friend over and we were watching the soccer [Mariners vs. Sydney FC] in the living room [if you read my story 'Ghosts Need a Cool Down', it'll give you a description of my house] which was in the new part of my house and we felt cold chills [not ice freezing cold, just a sort of coldness every now and again].
Now we had been reading some stories on this website so we were a bit more aware of everything going on around us. Whether this has caused us to imagine things or not, I do not know.
Later we were standing in the kitchen [new part of house] and I said 'I just felt something touch my legs'. My friend looked a bit worried and said that she had too.
Normally I would just assume that I had imagined it but then when we were looking through pictures of the party the day after we saw some orbs showing up. I know that some may not take this as evidence of spirits and may be confused for bugs or dust or light [which some of these were] but a lot of them were orbs [well what I believe to be anyway, I was told somewhere that they have rings inside of them and many in these pictures did].
After seeing these pictures I thought that I might not have been imagining the cold feeling or things touching me after all.
Just a note, I didn't feel like the spirits were evil, just like they wanted to be known. I consider myself very lucky that that is all that they want to do.
I will attach the pictures and let you be the judge of it. Any comments or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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