Wednesday 1 June 2016

A Haunting Hallway And Paranoia 4

I fell asleep and a half hour later the noises started again. This time I cracked open the door just a bit with the ceiling fan on low with the nightlight on in the bathroom. I was scared again. The knocking was so annoying and scary. Then the footsteps started but stayed heavy. Then they stopped near the top but not all the way up. I knew because I played that out earlier in the morning also to see how many footsteps I heard coming up the stairs. I put the covers over my head again and my heart was beating. I was sweating. Paranoia was with me again. I felt something watching me again even though the covers were over my head. It was as if it was in my bedroom around me, somewhere in the room. Then I heard whispering outside my door and rustling sounds. That lasted all night. I then heard scratching on the wall in my bedroom but it came from inside the walls. I was so frightened, and I thought this is unbelievable.
What is this and why does it only happen at night-time. I knew then that this was a haunted house with some pretty ghostly activity-a kind that I didn't like at all because it was very frightening.
I finally fell asleep between 5 and 5:30 and got up around 9:30. Four hours of sleep again I thought "Great-not a good night's sleep the past 2 nights". I was the first to get up every morning because I couldn't wait to get up. I didn't care if I slept at all. I just wanted to get up in the daylight now. This wasn't good!
David got up a little while after and then his mom. We sat and talked. David asked about my night's sleep. I told him it was okay. I didn't want to tell him anything more. Donna got up and I mentioned to her. I was kind of getting used to this. I knew this would happen every night I was there. And it did.
The last night I slept in their home was the worst. On top of the knocking on the staircase walls, the footsteps coming up the stairs, the whispering in the hallway, somebody watching me all night in my room and the scratching on the walls, I heard something different. With the covers over my head, the sweat pouring off my forehead and my heart pounding so fast, a door in the hallway clicked open. The sound was so clear. I thought, oh no, not something like this now. I was terrified to get up and look. I did have to go to the washroom and didn't want to but I know I had to.
So I got up, opened my door and looked around at all of the doors. They were all in place. The bathroom was open as usual and the closet door was closed. It had to be the closet door even though it was closed. The handles on the doors in their home were not round they were the kind that clicked open and I definitely heard the click and a door open. After going to the washroom I went back to bed and it all started over again. I couldn't wait for the daylight to come. 

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