Thursday 23 June 2016

Glowing Nurse Apparition

Location; Michigan United States
I was in the hospital after the birth of my first child. In the wee hours, just before sunrise, I opened my eyes just a little and saw about five inches of an almost glowing white dress. Assuming it was a nurse's uniform, I laid there waiting on her to attend to me with either taking my temperature, blood pressure, blood; something. (It was back in the day when your chart was on a clipboard at the foot of your bed or on the wall at the foot of your bed.)
A couple of minutes past and I started to wonder what was taking her so long to jet to me, but brushed it off as she was checking my chart or straightening my bedside table, maybe making sure there was water in my little picture, but I heard nothing. After about what seemed like 15 minutes, I opened my eyes and no one was there.
A few minutes later, in comes the nurse. She has on white pants (nowhere near the white I saw earlier) and a colorful scrub top. She wanted to take my temp and blood pressure.
"Oh, I saw someone in a white dress in here earlier..."
It'd just me and her. "You'll have a different nurse tomorrow night, I have the night off. Her name is Sheryl, she's nice, everyone likes her. I'll see you the following night if you're still here. Have a good day, you have a beautiful baby."
"Thank you, enjoy your day off."
Then she left.

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