Friday 24 June 2016

Napping With The Dead

Location:Michigan United States
One cold afternoon I was exhausted from training at school (cheerleading & track) so I decided I needed a nap. I told my mother I was going upstairs to nap for a bit, I jumped in my mother's bed instead or my own and slept. My nap went much longer than I had planned. I noticed when I woke up it was late because the streetlights were on which beamed through the shutters. I was frustrated that all the lights were off and my door was shut closed.
So I turned over from my stomach to the side to find lying VERY VERY close to me an ancient man. He was in a dark suit and appeared to be extremely old. His hands were crossed over his chest. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so sacred I literally couldn't move or scream. I just lay there still with my eyes shut praying it was just a blurred vision. I opened again and there he still was. I ran so fast out of that room and down the stairs my entire family ran to the staircase believing I tumbled down- that's how loud and fast I ran. I was so scared to share my story with anyone because I thought I was just imagining it.
Eighteen years later, my sister and I were talking about good old times growing up in the Michigan house with friends and family. Come to find out she encountered the same ghost experience I did. She stated seeing an old man in a suit lying on my mother's bed after she awoke from a nap herself. I told nobody my story and was so relieved to know that I was sane and what I saw was real. Shortly after my mother passed way. Was it a sign from the dead? Could it have been her grandfather? We'll never know. This was my first experience which I had/have numerous other ones to share. I had to see a priest for these entities that seem to around a lot.
I don't know why I keep having these demonic and ghostly experiences but I pray every night and sleep with my rosary wrapped around my hand.

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