Friday 24 June 2016

Who Was In The Picture?

Location:Ohio United States
My friend and I did not have a digital camera, so I bought a disposable one to take pictures on. My friend and I took many pictures, but never one together. "Dad, will you take our picture please?" I asked my father and he said yes. He took about two or three pictures of us.
A couple days later we got the photos back. We laughed at all of the silly ones that we took and we loved them all until we reached the last one. It was the first one that my dad took of us together. There was a white mist covering about half of the picture or so. It was all spread out like smoke. "Dad, were you smoking or did you just get done smoking before you took this picture?" I asked him. "No I hadn't had a smoke in a couple of hours!" He told me. This shocked us. We tried to figure it out for days. The next time she came over was a couple weeks later. She wanted to see the picture again, so I showed her. Her mouth dropped open. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. "This was the wrong photo!" she told me. "No, that was the one with the mist in it..." I trailed off.
The mist was gone. But, how could it have gone like that? I remember the mist in the picture. My friend saw it. My dad saw it. I saw it. Who was in the picture? Granny? Grandpa? Another spirit? Whoever it was must have been camera shy!

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