Friday 24 June 2016

The Basement

Location: Ohio United States
I go down the basement steps to bring supper upstairs for tonight. It was a little colder than usual, but I did not think anything of it. I opened up the fridge door and then closed it. I thought I heard something beside me so I looked. A transparent white human figure walked right through the wall into our downstairs bathroom. I did not want to check to see if it was still in there, so I ran upstairs fast and told my parents. They told me that I was just imagining it.
I was walking down our basement steps and I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I see a black figure. I look closely and it is gone. Every time that I have checked that, it shows no signs of being there in the first place.
It is time for Christmas and I am going down to get the bows. Christmas is a great time in the year. I was going to make my dog, Max, go down first, because I could feel something down there. Max would not go down. Usually when I open the door, he shoots down there, but this time he was doing everything that he could to get away from there! I hurried down there and I could hear many different things in my head. Not sure what they were, I just ignored them. I swore that something was watching me. I grabbed the bows and shot back up the steps. I knew that something was down there, but I was too afraid to go back and find out what.
For some reason, the basement is one of the places that I am most afraid of. The reason, I am not sure. Every time that I am down there, I just feel something right beside me. Maybe one day when I am older, I will be able to conquer my fear, go down there, and try to speak with the spirit. It may be my granny, grandpa, or someone else. That, I will find out soon. I hope.

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