Friday 24 June 2016

Old Haunted Apartment

I moved to an apartment complex called Mi-Ree-Nae in Daegu, South Korea. It seemed pretty old, but it was spacious and my parents really liked it. (I was 16 at the time).
One night, my dad turned on the karaoke machine in the living room and began to sing. To drown out the noise, I closed the door all the way and went to sleep. (I didn't lock it)
Now, when opened slowly, my door makes a loud squeaking noise, but when opened fast, there is no noise. It took me awhile to fall asleep because my dad was doing karaoke for awhile, but I finally did. (And the door stayed closed the whole time)
In the middle of the night, the door began to squeak. I woke up and looked at the door. (I slept with a night light) The door was opened a little but the squeaking stopped. I was too tired to care, so I just went back to sleep. But as soon as I closed my eyes, the door began to squeak again.
I thought it was my sister trying to scare me, so I yelled out, "HEY! I'm tired! Go to sleep! Ugh!" But there was nothing. My sister usually freaks herself out first before she can scare anyone.
I was getting a little bit scared, but I was too lazy to get up and shut the door. I closed my eyes again, and once again- squeak. By this time, the door is opened just enough for a head to pop in. I finally got scared, so I got up, ran to the door, shut it, locked it and turned the lights on.
Afterwards, I got my cell phone and called the house. I thought it was a burglar! My mom picked up the phone and I told her there is someone in the house, but she couldn't hear me and just hung up on me! (I've never had problems with my cell or the house phone) The weird thing is, I stayed up all night, listening for any noises this "burglar" may make, but I heard nothing.
Morning came and I checked the house, but everything was the same, and nothing was missing. I was somewhat freaked out, but I honestly didn't think much of it. I was sort of skeptical.
About a month later, my dad went to the States for a business trip, so it was my mom, my brother and my sister in the house. We have 2 bathrooms, but the ones my siblings and I use don't have a tub. I usually wash my body at night and wash my hair in the morning. (I don't know, I'm weird) I'm the first one to wake up in the morning so I can wash my hair. (My brother also likes to use the tub in the morning but he got dibs on waking up the latest possible) Before I continue, I have to explain the house layout:
The bathroom with the tub is located in between my parents' bedroom and the computer room. The computer is a dead end. The tub-bathroom has a semi-clear sliding door. You can see somewhat clearly outside from the bathroom, but you can't see anything from outside in. The way I wash my hair, I put my head upside down so I can wash my hair with the hose, and I can see the door from that position.
While I was washing my hair, I saw a tall thing with a black robe slide slowly across the door towards the computer room. I knew my brother wasn't that tall, so I was curious of what it was. I waited for it to come back, since the computer room is a dead end. I never took my eyes off the door, and once I was done washing my hair, I opened the door and looked in the computer room. But there was nothing there.
It couldn't have been my mom, because she's shorter than me, and I'm pretty short (plus, I had to wake her up afterwards). My sister is even shorter than my mom (and she was showering in the other bathroom), and I had to wake up my brother after I was done with my hair. Plus, like I said, my brother wasn't that tall. I never figured out what that thing was.
Couple of days later, I was too lazy to take a shower at night, so I had to take a shower and wash my hair in my bathroom (with no tub) in the morning. It was around 5:30am (I take a long time to get ready).
While I was showering, I heard a man screaming. It was a faint, yet close scream. It's hard to explain, but it's one of those screams that sound like they're in a lot of pain. It went on the entire time I showered. As soon as I finished, the scream stopped, and I immediately went to my mom (who was in the kitchen, which is right next to my bathroom), and asked her if there was some drunk guy outside screaming. She said no, told me I was crazy, and to eat breakfast.
I have two small dogs that NEVER bark. I have no idea what their deal is, but I've had one of them for 7 years and the other for 2 yrs, and they've never barked. They've whined when we ate... But that was it.
I was home alone with my dad and the dogs. My dad was in the computer room, doing work, while I watched TV with the two dogs on either side of me. There was absolutely NO noise, but the two dogs immediately got up together at the same time, ran to the door and began barking ferociously at the door. Then they ran back half way, turned around, barked, ran towards it, barked, and just kept on doing that.
My dad walked in and asked what was going on, and I told him I had no idea. He opened the door, and nothing was there. We had to put the dogs in their rooms.
After a while, I told my sister all these stories and she told me she often saw that "black figure" walk right outside of her door. (She leaves a crack open because she's afraid of the dark)
I rode a taxi home one day, and the old taxi driver told me Mi-Ree-Nae is one of the oldest apartment complexes in Daegu, and that there was a suicide incident in one of the apartments back in the day. I didn't ask him the details, because I just didn't want to know.
We moved to a different apartment complex about 2 years later. My parents never told us why.

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