Friday 24 June 2016

Old Hag At Night

Location: United Kingdom
I'd like to share my first experience with something I cannot explain.
I've never really been a real believer in paranormal activities and ghosts etc. I'm the kind of person who wants it to be proved or experience it before I can truly believe.
And this night got me thinking differently, it was about 1am when I got to bed after a long day I was asleep within about 5 minutes of laying down. But I woke up not long after... Id say it was about an hour later, which is strange for me I'm usually a heavy sleeper. And this fear just rushed over me from head to toe and I couldn't move, I was unable to speak... It was like I was fully paralyzed.
And I felt someone in the room watching me, the fear was like nothing I'd ever felt before I was almost in tears just trying to scream or move... I honestly thought there was someone in my house trying to hurt me, I felt completely helpless. But not long after I must have fallen back to sleep somehow which surprised me.
When I woke the next morning the first thing I did was ring my mum to explain what happened and ask for her advice on what to do. When she told me about NIGHT TERRORS or some might know it as *The Old Hag* - *sleep paralysis*
It's apparently when your mind wakes up but your body is still in a deep sleep... You get confused/scared and your mind can play tricks on you it has happened to a lot of my family members and other people around the world.
I later read about it... To find I had it easy. Some people claim to feel pressure on there chest almost as if someone is sat on them (the old hag) which my mum has had a few times, others see shadows around the room and feel pressure on their beds as if someone was crawling up.
I can now honestly say that that experience has opened a door in my mind to so much curiosity and so many questions.
I'd like to hear from you if you have had any experience like this.
It was one of my worst moments in life.
Feel free to share comments to this.

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